Thanks Kevin!

Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a pittance of time to thank a guy who was a major contributor to this blog, and his name is JOHN CENA! No? Not funny? Ok so since you read the title of this little article you know his name is Kevin. Kevin has made all of the logos for this blog including The Knockers, Parisone Productions, and is working on a Trif-Awwwns logo as I type and you read. The best part of this is that he's doing it all for free and is doing it just because he wanted to get better at making logos (Yeah I know, have you seen The Knockers logo? That's not even his full potential). Anyways basically what I wanted to say is thank you Kevin and without you, this blog wouldn't be possible or look as good!

The Coldest Night

Link to story-

"The Coldest Night" was at first a short project for school, but then after the first chapter a lot of my friends wanted me to continue the story and it later became a personal project (hence all the language in the later chapters). The funny thing is that I still haven't finished the whole story, but I really want to, so look forward to that sometime this year. I always have made comedy stories, but when I was in Grade 8 I decided that instead of making yet again another comedy story, I would go outside my comfort zone and attempt at making an action story. I think I did quite well and I did attract a fair number of readers, but for some reason I just stopped.  That's all I can really say about this story, as said before I do plan to actually fully finish this story sometime this year. Anthony out!

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